Episode 0148: JINGLE ALL THE WAY (1996)
148. Jingle All the Way (1996)
Hello Excellent Turbomans!
In our only holiday-themed episode this year, Allison and Hunter take on a semi-beloved seasonal classic. Why was Sinbad done so dirty by this script? Why is Arnold Schwarzenegger playing some average dude? And: will he get chuckle-cucked© by Phil Hartman? Plus: we pitch several simple fixes for the film’s tone problems.
Strap on your fully-functional rocket pack, it’s Jingle All the Way (1996)!
Previous Episodes Mentioned:
Ep. 53: The Beethoven Franchise (1992-2014)
Ep. 72: Last Action Hero (1993)
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This podcast is brought to you by MJ’s Hunter M. Bush and Allison Yakulis.
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