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Just Jeff: The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

Reviews of Jeff Goldblum’s performances in films
by Susan Panaway

Let me tell you about my boat, or in this case, Wes Anderson’s The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou. Bill Murray stars as Steve Zissou, an oceanographer on a quest to seek revenge on the shark that ate his friend. In addition to blowing said shark up with dynamite, Zissou is working on saving his failing marriage, bonding with his son, and trying to beat his rival, Alistair Hennessey (played by Jeff Goldblum)…

Hennessey’s long flowing garb, fanciful scarves, and signature shades make him look more like a Gatsby party guest then a nemesis. Zissou describes Hennessey as a “big time asshole” who “hogs up all the grant money.” Accurate. He is also quite the charmer. Would you expect anything less? I swear every time Jeff Goldblum graces the screen, attractive female leads are just inches away, waiting for him. Ahem Anjelica Huston. I can’t blame them. Relationships aren’t the only thing Hennessey is fronting. He is in charge of Operation Hennessey, a metallic ship with an espresso machine worth stealing inside. Unlike Zissou’s crew of red capped madmen and women, Hennessey’s men are clean shaven, muscular, and dressed all in white. Hennessey, like his men, is pretty robotic but handsome. Goldblum is only in the film maybe a total of 20 minutes so I wouldn’t choose this one to get your Goldblum fix. It is, however, a visually appealing film with dry comedy, spacey soundtrack, and eclectic cast. Grab your red cap and speedo and dive into The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou.