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NIGHT OF THE HARVEST is the perfect way to kick off spooky season

Night of the Harvest
Written by Christopher M. Carter
Directed by Christopher M. Carter and Jessica Morgan
Starring Jessica Morgan, Aeric Azana, Jim Corner, and Brittany Isabell 
Runtime 1 hour and 47 minutes
Now available to watch digitally

by Vannah Taylor, Staff Writer

“The month always gets me inspired.”

It’s the time of year for “31 Days” watchlists, pumpkin patches, and hayrides. If you’re looking for the next Halloween slasher to add to your own watchlist, look no further than Night of the Harvest

The film opens on the night before Halloween with a masked killer lurking in the shadows. With kills that pay homage to many classic slashers, date night ends on a grim note for the opening cast of characters. Then the film moves onto Audrey (Jessica Morgan) who is introducing her sister Madison (Brittany Isabell)- who is dealing with her complicated feelings around the holiday after being attacked the year prior-to her group of friends as they get together to plan a night of spooky fun. 

Co-directors Christopher M. Carter and Jessica Morgan are obviously disciples of All Hallow’s Eve and perfectly capture the excitement that many of us are surely feeling. Glowing orange lights, jack-o-lanterns, shaped cookies, and cackling with joy at the sight of Halloween decorations–this film has all the best Halloween vibes. This extends to the villain with a design that is much like a demented axe-wielding scarecrow. It is a look that can comfortably sit next to any of the iconic slasher masks on the shelf of your local party store. Although much less deranged and more palatable for those sensitive to gore, Night of the Harvest is akin to slashers like Terrifier, which also celebrates and plays with the imagery of the Halloween season. The film succeeds in its primary goal: to be a fun time! What is a slasher without some great kills? There are plenty of bloody moments that will hit the spot for avid fans of the slasher genre.

Unexpectedly, Night of the Harvest features a major twist in the reveal of who is behind the killings–a convention of the slasher genre. Everyone always wants to know who is under the mask. However, this reveal happens with too much time left in the film’s runtime and it continues to play through that reveal in a way that makes it lose its punch. The “who dunnit?” of it all gets lost in twists and turns like a corn maze you might step into on a cool October night. Unfortunately, the film overstays its welcome. Despite its downfalls, Night of the Harvest is a well made and passionate film from folks who take care in showing their love of Halloween festivities and horror films alike. The dedicated cast are the pillars of the film and leading lady Jessica Morgan gives a memorable performance that has me excited for more. 

As everyone gears up for movie nights, pumpkin carving, and costume parties, be sure to let Night of the Harvest accompany you in your Halloween festivities.