Episode 0155: FREDDY VS. JASON (2003)
155. Freddy vs. Jason (2003)
Hello Excellent Maniacs!
On this slash-tastic episode of Hate Watch/Great Watch, we are joined once again by Krystal TL Brackett and Sean Brady to discuss a crossover movie the horror film universe was long awaiting. Did it deliver?
We discuss some ADR highlights from the film, pitch several (better) horror ideas, fix the film with Sean’s headcanon, and speculate on what Jason would sound like.
PLUS: our kittens, Kenny and Kota, are Freddy-vs-Jason-ing all over the house!
Get your fedoras and hockey masks ready, it’s Freddy vs. Jason (2003), bitch!
Previous Episodes Mentioned:
Ep. 135: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (1995)
Ep. 18: Ocean’s 11 (2001)
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This podcast is brought to you by MJ’s Hunter M. Bush and Allison Yakulis.
Listen on spotify here and itunes here