CLEANER is an overly polished but intense thriller
by Andrea Schmidt, Staff Writer
If Die Hard is a critique of globalization, what does a Die Hard critique of the environmental crisis look like?
by Andrea Schmidt, Staff Writer
If Die Hard is a critique of globalization, what does a Die Hard critique of the environmental crisis look like?
Directed by Ang Lee
Starring Will Smith, Clive Owen, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and another Will Smith
MPAA rating; PG-13 for violence and action throughout, and brief strong language
Running time: 1 hour and 57 minutes
by Daniel Scully
There are two immediately disappointing things about Gemini Man. First, since the film was shot in 4K IMAX 3D at 120 frames per second, it would stand to reason that theaters would be equipped to project it as intended. They are not. In fact, of the thousands of screens releasing the film this weekend, only fifteen in the entire country have the capability to do so. None of them are near me. Secondly, Will Smith’s latest does not feature a new remix of his hit song Just the Two Of Us, making for the biggest missed opportunity in the history of human existence. A true shame that just 19 years into it, the era once branded the Willennium has fizzled considerably for the no longer fresh prince.