Elvis From Outer Space

Written and directed by Marv Z. Silverman and Tracy Wuischpard
Starring Martin Kove, Alexander Butterfield and Frank Cavestani
Running time: 1 hour and 31 minutes
Unrated but contains: some salty language, one very tame sex scene, mild violence, pornography playing on a TV monitor and aliens that wouldn't stop looking at me!

"No Thank You. No Thank You, Very Much"
by Hunter Bush

How? How did I draw two films to review, back to back, that are so similar? In my most recent previous Moviejawn piece I wrote about Vampire Burt's Serenade, a film made from the bones of an earlier film, re-edited and re-released under a new name; an obvious passion project (what other explanation could there be?) made by someone with seemingly no understanding of the Hows and Whys of filmmaking. The same could be, must be and is right at this moment being said, by me, about Elvis From Outer Space.

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