Episode 050: Do It Yourself
Hello Old Sport!
Welcome back to I Saw it in a Movie, the advice podcast co-hosted by your friendly cinematic pals from Moviejawn! Each episode we take a question from our listeners and go to the movies for the answer. This week The Red Herring is joined by special guest, Joe Badon to help a listener looking to do some DIY home renovations and chat about his film work.
Help Joe Badon make his next short film, The Wheel of Heaaven by supporting his kickstarter, more info can be found here about the 20 to 30 minute psychedelic science fiction, arthouse mystery.
The poster for the film illustrated by artist Spencer Epps!
Need advice? Have a problem? Write to your friendly cinematic pals.
Via Twitter: @Isawitinamovie
Via Email: DearISawitinamovie@gmail.com
Via the old fashioned way… Postal Mail:
Attn: Moviejawn
PO BOX 20172
Philadelphia, PA 19145