GUNS OF REDEMPTION could have been B-movie greatness
by Kevin Murphy, Staff Writer
Guns of Redemption suffers from too many issues that drag it down from the serviceable B-western it could be.
by Kevin Murphy, Staff Writer
Guns of Redemption suffers from too many issues that drag it down from the serviceable B-western it could be.
by Joe Carlough, Staff Writer
The Flood is high on fun and exciting alligator attacks, low on quality acting and dialogue–but that’s not necessarily to its detriment, it sort of adds to the fun of watching. T
by Tori Potenza, Staff Writer
Daughter is a movie with much on its mind and is sure to make for an interesting conversation piece once the credits begin to roll.
by Billy Russell, Staff Writer
Starship Troopers knows the mechanisms of fascistic totalitarianism, and knows the power of propaganda.