Directed by Andy Muschietti (2017)
by Sandy DeVito
If there's a lingering, vague sense of disappointment regarding this film lurking somewhere in my soul, it's due to the fact that the first half of Muschietti's vision (yes, this is part one of two, dealing with the first time the Losers confront Pennywise while they're still kids, Part 2 will deal with what happens to them as adults) for one of King's most notorious novels comes so fucking close to being perfect, yet that five-star experience slipped through my fingers in small, dissonant moments during the third act. They're so negligible compared to the astounding, terrifying, grotesquely gorgeous and deeply genuine experience this film was for me that I almost wanted to pretend like they weren't there, and review this film as if I'd imagined them. Alas, I am a realist and an obnoxiously honest soul. There are some issues. The good news is, they're small, and the rest is so fucking good, that the final product is something of a miracle.
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