See You at The Cinema: this Saturday for MILDRED PIERCE at Philly Film Society
by Dr. Ashley Jane Carruthers & Rosalie Kicks
The Classic Coroners pry open the coffin of The Queen of the Movies, Joan Crawford, star of Mildred Pierce.
by Dr. Ashley Jane Carruthers & Rosalie Kicks
The Classic Coroners pry open the coffin of The Queen of the Movies, Joan Crawford, star of Mildred Pierce.
by Rosalie Kicks, Old Sport and Editor in Chief
Even after seeing the trailer, I was not prepared to cackle as much as I did for a film that features so much dang blood.
by Rosalie Kicks, Old Sport and Editor in Chief
On Saturday, join your fellow body horror lovers for a screening of the 1999 David Cronenberg overlooked sci-fi classic eXistenZ hosted by special guest, New York Film Critic and author, Violet Lucca in celebration of her recent book release, David Cronenberg: Clinical Trials.
by Rosalie Kicks, Editor in Chief and Old Sport
MovieJawn will once again be teaming up with Philly’s favorite film club, Girls Like Horror for the fourth annual Valentine’s Day screening of Possession at The Philadelphia Film Center.
by Rosalie Kicks, Old Sport and Editor in Chief
Beginning February 8, much like a traveling circus, some of the Mahoning Drive-In cast of characters will hit the highway to sling merchandise and showcase a unique double-bill at various movie palaces across the Northeast.
by Rosalie Kicks, Old Sport and Editor in Chief
In my experience on this mortal coil I have found particular locations are undoubtedly haunted, especially those in which something tragic occurred or, in my case, hold strong personal memories.
by Rosalie Kicks, Old Sport & Editor in Chief
I remember the day I started listening to the famed movie podcast, You Must Remember This like it was yesterday. From the moment I started listening, my ears were hooked. Since then, her enchanting voice has accompanied me on numerous walks and road trips.
by Rosalie Kicks, Editor in Chief and Old Sport
When I caught this film at Toronto International Film Festival, I felt a bit of fatigue from movies that did not earn their runtime. Many films would have benefited from a snip and most likely played more effectively. The Last Showgirl does not have this problem.
by Rosalie Kicks, Editor in Chief and Old Sport
It would be easy to provide a summary of the main plot points within this picture, but that would be doing a disservice, not only to the film itself but to you. Nickel Boys is a particular piece of cinema that needs to be experienced for oneself to truly feel the weight of what it has to say.
by Rosalie Kicks, Old Sport & Editor in Chief
Recently, I had the opportunity to chat with Christina to find out what sparked her to start Girls Like Horror, what got her into the genre, and to learn about her creative endeavors. It has been so wonderful getting to know Christina and learning more about her club.
by Rosalie Kicks, Old Sport & Editor in Chief
On the surface, this outing has all the earmarks of his other films: the beautiful composition, meticulous set design and costuming, atmospheric lighting, and purposeful direction. Yet, the picture has an overall slickness to it that, for me, oozes Hollywood meddling.
by Rosalie Kicks, Editor in Chief and Old Sport
This year, with my Christmas spirit being unexpectedly high, I have a feeling that after witnessing the magic of McGinnis and Guarino, I might be pushed into full blown Christmas creature mode.
by Rosalie Kicks, Editor in Chief and Old Sport
I caught The End at Toronto International Film Festival in September and my initial reactions had me doubting whether I actually liked what I had witnessed.
by Rosalie Kicks, Editor in Chief and Old Sport
A few weeks after watching this film, I had a run-in with a dude that walked away from the picture with the view that this was a story about a woman that could not grasp that she was aging. To sit through the film and not witness the unbalance within their relationship was mind boggling to me.
by Rosalie Kicks, Old Sport & Editor in Chief
Here’s a peek between the blinds of one of the latest disc offerings from Kino Lorber. For under thirty-five bucks, one can get lost in the shadows of not one, not two, but three noir pictures with The Dark Side of The Cinema XX collection.
by Rosalie Kicks, Old Sport and Editor in Chief
As we near the end of the year, there will be much chatter about must-watch motion pictures. Don’t let this trio of cinematic gems fly under the radar.
by Rosalie Kicks, Editor in Chief and Old Sport
Documentaries are films I turn to learn, gain inspiration, and find ways to better myself. These are four that I found are not only worthy of your time, but may in fact change you in the best ways possible.
by Rosalie Kicks Editor in Chief and Old Sport
Bleak tales, shadowy figures, and cynical characters may await, but with Eddie Muller at my side I could not be more thrilled as I know my eyes will witness a moving image that is something to behold.
by Rosalie Kicks, Editor in Chief and Old Sport
Like several actors of Duryea’s era, he somewhat fell into the Hollywood racket. Due to his parents lack of faith in his career as an actor, he first pursued the path of an advertising executive.
by Rosalie Kicks, Old Sport & Editor in Chief
Heretic does not waste any time putting the viewer on the edge of their seat. From the moment The Sisters enter Reed’s home, the air turns tense and the psychological game begins.