See you at the Cinema: Philly Film Society & Space Melt present THE RAID in 35mm this Saturday
by Nikk Nelson, Staff Writer
I haven’t really seen anything that lives up to The Raid.
by Nikk Nelson, Staff Writer
I haven’t really seen anything that lives up to The Raid.
by Nikk Nelson, Staff Writer
The Godfather Part III turns 35 this year. So, it’s a good time to look at The Offer, a series about the making of the first film.
by Nikk Nelson, Staff Writer
An intimate portrayal of Humphrey Bogart unfolds with film, interview, home movie, and other archival footage mixed with live-action reenactments—very similar in concept and execution to the documentary, Belushi—with a guiding narrator, Kerry Shale, imitating Bogie’s voice.
by Nikk Nelson, Staff Writer
For anyone looking to be introduced to Brian De Palma, I would wholeheartedly recommend The De Palma Decade.
by Nikk Nelson, Staff Writer
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon ignited my passion for and curiosity about older kung-fu movies and Asian films in general.
by Nikk Nelson, Staff Writer
I haven’t really seen anything that lives up to The Raid.
by Nikk Nelson, Staff Writer
Diving into the short film, I got immediate Night of the Creeps vibes, which I loved.
by Nikk Nelson, Staff Writer
Partly in celebration of the great Brendan Fraser revival, I wanted to look back at one of my favorite holiday movies of all time, With Honors (1994).
by Nikk Nelson, Staff Writer, Cinematic Maniac
The music in Body Count stands out—I loved all the songs. The film is composed, shot, and executed adeptly.
by Nikk Nelson, Staff Writer, Cinematic Maniac
The obscure, the forgotten gems, and the so bad it’s good.
by Nikk Nelson, Staff Writer
This hits just above Birdemic for me, as far as overall executions to compare it to. That’s not to say I didn’t/don’t enjoy Birdemic or didn’t enjoy this hayride as well.
Read Moreby Nikk Nelson, Staff Writer and Cinematic Maniac
Clocking in at almost five hours across four episodes, it leaves no stone unturned in its discussion of this satirical masterpiece.
by Nikk Nelson, Staff Writer
After multiple viewings of Dredd (2012), I can honestly say it has become one of my favorite action films, period, it is one of the most faithful comic book adaptations you will find.
by Nikk Nelson, Staff Writer, Cinematic Maniac
The Good People of Orphan Ridge revitalized my love of, and faith in, indie filmmaking.
by Nikk Nelson, Staff Writer
For anyone unacquainted, or anyone looking to rediscover their appreciation, here’s my go-to Cusack mix.
by Nikk Nelson, Staff Writer
I’m fascinated in a heartbroken way with criminal justice systems, specifically the ideas of incarceration and “corrections.”
by Nikk Nelson, Staff Writer
This series is where I share some of my favorite cinematic mixtapes, for lack of a better term. I hope you enjoy!
by Nikk Nelson, Staff Writer, Cinematic Maniac
Nothing makes me happier than sitting down and watching two, three, or even more movies in a row—following a throughline of theme, actor, director, or whatever strikes my fancy.
by Nikk Nelson, Staff Writer
Welcome to MovieJawn’s first ever Sound & Vision Poll, where our writers share why they love their 10 favorite movies of all time!
by Nikk Nelson, Staff Writer, Cinematic Maniac
At this point, vampires have been part of cinema for a century, which is wild to think about, so I wanted to curate a playlist that captured the good, the bad, the ugly, and the downright fun of vampires on screen.