Dispatches from the Hatch #4: Project Runway, Fashion on the Island
by Megan Bailey, Staff Writer
Part of what makes LOST so iconic is the fashion—so let’s take a look at it!
by Megan Bailey, Staff Writer
Part of what makes LOST so iconic is the fashion—so let’s take a look at it!
by Megan Bailey, Staff Writer
ow to Blow Up a Pipeline isn’t subtle, and that’s a good thing. It wants you to walk out of the theater ready to start shit.
by Megan Bailey, Staff Writer
Season one of LOST was an undeniable hit. So, let’s talk about season two.
by Megan Bailey, Staff Writer
Daisy Jones & the Six is fashioned as a tell-all, sort of Behind the Music type of deal, recorded twenty years after the famed band released their only album before breaking up.
by Megan Bailey, Staff Writer
In honor of Valentine’s Day, I wanted to take a look at the various couples, love triangles, quadrangles, and pentagons present in the show.
by Megan Bailey, Staff Writer
Now that it’s almost Valentine’s Day, it’s time to talk about romance! And I want to talk about LGBTQ+ romance on screen.
by Megan Bailey, Staff Writer
This is a tight ninety-minute movie, and Alanna Francis’s script does a great job of building and relieving tension throughout.
by Megan Bailey, Staff Writer
It’s funny how memory works. I’ve rewatched LOST season one several times, but I realized I had very little memory of the plot beyond that.
by Megan Bailey, Staff Writer
This new documentary shows the challenges faced by Broadway in the last few years.
by Megan Bailey, Staff Writer
Modern neo-noir—often taking advantage of neon lights, new music, and delving further into perspectives we didn’t get in the original heyday of noir—is such an interesting group of subgenres all on its own.
by Megan Bailey, Staff Writer
Welcome to MovieJawn’s first ever Sound & Vision Poll, where our writers share why they love their 10 favorite movies of all time!
by Megan Bailey, Staff Writer
The odds are that you’ve read or seen some iteration of It. There’s Stephen King’s original door stopper of a novel, the 1990 miniseries, and then the two-part movie series in 2017 and 2019.
by Megan Bailey, Staff Writer
There’s just something about home invasion horror movies. A subgenre in its own right, the films always include someone breaking into a house, obviously, but they often get more complicated than that.
by Megan Bailey, Staff Writer
This week’s episode is a doozy, and I mean emotionally.
by Megan Bailey, Staff Writer
This week’s episode is a doozy, and I mean emotionally.
by Megan Bailey, Staff Writer
If anyone thought Rings of Power was a boring show, this episode will prove them wrong.
by Megan Bailey, Staff Writer
There’s a lot of set-up in this week’s episode, so I’m excited to see it all pay off next week.
by Megan Bailey, Staff Writer
Foreshadowing and daddy issues!
by Megan Bailey, Staff Writer
Tolkien’s world has always been, in part, about the power of friendship. Mixed in with the destiny, lore, and language, friendship is an integral part of life.
by Megan Bailey, Staff Writer
It’s wonderful to see Middle-Earth at this caliber again!