Let me see inside your house: DEEP RED and its voyeurism 50 years later
by Allie Lembo, Staff Writer
I will always come back to Deep Red because I, like Marcus Daly, like Dario Argento, like to look at all the stuff.
by Allie Lembo, Staff Writer
I will always come back to Deep Red because I, like Marcus Daly, like Dario Argento, like to look at all the stuff.
by Clayton Hayes, Staff Writer
It’s not surprising to see women’s interest in horror left out, but it is disappointing. Dario Argento: Panico is otherwise an engaging documentary that will undoubtedly be popular with horror and cult film fans.
by Clayton Hayes, Staff Writer
Welcome to MovieJawn’s first ever Sound & Vision Poll, where our writers share why they love their 10 favorite movies of all time! We will be running ballots all month, and sharing the full results at the end!
by Batzina Belfry (aka Rosalie Kicks, Old Sport)
I bid you welcome creepies, ghoulies, goblins and spookies to The Cinematic Crypt for a twenty-four hour watch-a-long.
by Ashley Jane Davis and Jaime Davis, Staff Writers
Some of our favorite spooky/creepy/scary/terrifying stories are all about women, and let’s just say it - oftentimes complicated women - who find themselves, horrifically, in new and unexpected territories.
by Clayton Hayes, Staff Writer
Though not a great film, Dark Glasses is a significant step in the right direction and is easily the director’s best work since Sleepless.
by Clayton Hayes, Staff Writer
Where do you start with a figure that looms so large in cult and horror cinema?
by Clayton Hayes, Staff Writer
As even the most fervent giallo fan will tell you, though, Argento after 1987’s Opera must be approached with caution.
by Clayton Hayes, Staff Writer
9 movies to check out on Shudder this spooky season!
by Judson Cade Pedigo
Moviejawn confession time: I’m a Dario Argento poser. If I’m sitting around having a few drinks with the guys and everyone starts talking Argento flicks, you’ll notice I get real quiet. Sure I’ll nod at the appropriate times and join in giving three cheers to Dario but what I’m really doing is frantically trying to remember if I had read any reviews or at least a plot synopsis about any of these films on my old cd-rom edition of Cinemania '95 back in the day. Usually I come up blank. I can’t even recall that many of his movies. Hold on, don’t tell me. There’s Phenomena, I know that one…um…Bird with the Crystal Plumage? Maybe? Then there’s uh…Stab You in the Eye, Stab Your Face, and my personal favorite Razorblade to Your Eyeball? I think? It’s true, I don’t know from Argento. About the only things that I do know about the man is that he’s very Italian and his movies are crazy, crazy as shit.
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