Welcome to this week’s installment of Can’t Care, Moviejawn’s weekly roundup of all the entertainment news we just can’t care about.
Francis Friel, The Projectionist
I can't care. I just cannot care, I swear to god. Disney's all upset cause The Force Awakens got blu-ripped and is all over the dang internet? Seriously? I can't care. They paid Lucas over three billion bucks for the rights to the entire Lucasfilm intellectual property, characters, set designs, star destroyers, neckbeards, jar jars, golden bikinis, "old man wizards" and every other goddammer in the galaxy and made half of that money back by making ONE FILM and they want me to be UPSET that someone thought ahead and ripped the shit outta that blu-ray a couple weeks early? Are you KIDDING ME?? I can. not. care. Can't care. I hope the script to Episode VIII leaks all over Kathleen Kennedy's living room floor. Lucasfilm. You're kidding me, right?
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